A credit card surcharge is an additional fee that a merchant may pass to a consumer when her or she elects to use a credit card as a means of payment. In the past, state laws and major credit card companies prohibited surcharging, but that's now in the past as it's now permitted for a merchant to apply a surcharge to customers who pay with a credit card.
Eliminate the cost prohibitive credit card acceptance fees, while adhering to compliance requirements, by using UTA's surcharging solution for credit card payments accepted over the phone or at the point of sale.
- Apply surcharge fees to most Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express payments
- Eliminate compliance exposure
- Smart surcharge calculation will apply the fee automatically
- Card validation occurs at the point of entry so that only qualified payments are surcharged
- Surcharging notification and disclosure requirements will be provided
- No sofware to purchase